Compiling, linking, Makefile, header files


 Compiling, linking, Makefile, header files

Splitting your program into multiple files

The programs we have seen so far have all been stored in a single source file. As your programs become larger, and as you start to deal with other people's code (e.g. other C libraries) you will have to deal with code that resides in multiple files. Indeed you may build up your own library of C functions and data structures, that you can re-use in your own scientific programming and data analysis. Here we will see how to place C functions and data structures in their own file(s) and how to incorporate them into a new program.

We saw in the section on functions, that one way of including custom-written functions in your C code, is to simply place them in your main source file, above the declaration of the main() function. A better way to re-use functions that you commonly incorporate into your C programs is to place them in their own file, and to include a statement above main() to include that file. When compiled, it's just like copying and pasting the code above main(), but for the purpose of editing and writing your code, this allows you to keep things in separate files. It also means that if you ever decide to change one of those re-usable functions (for example if you find and fix an error) that you only have to change it in one place, and you don't have to go searching through all of your programs and change each one.

Header files

A common convention in C programs is to write a header file (with .h suffix) for each source file (.c suffix) that you link to your main source code. The logic is that the .c source file contains all of the code and the header file contains the function prototypes, that is, just a declaration of which functions can be found in the source file.

This is done for libraries that are provided by others, sometimes only as compiled binary "blobs" (i.e. you can't look at the source code). Pairing them with plain-text header files allows you see what functions are defined, and what arguments they take (and return).

An example

Here is a program that computes the preferred direction of a neuron recorded in primary motor cortex of rhesus macaques, during a whole-arm reaching task (e.g. from Gribble & Scott, 2002). The monkey moved his hand from a central start target to one of 8 peripheral targets around the circumference of a circle. Movements to each of the 8 targets were repeated 5 times for a total of 40 movements. The order of target directions was randomized.

The data for each neuron are represented by two sets of values: first, an array of 40 values that indicate for each movement, the direction of the movement (specifically, the direction, in radians of the velocity vector at peak hand velocity), and second, another array of 40 values that indicate for each movement, the mean number of spikes per second averaged over a window starting 150ms before movement onset and ending at peak hand velocity.

For each neuron, the goal is to compute a preferred direction. That is, the direction of movement for which the neuron fires most enthusiastically (most spikes per second). The details of how these computations are done are not so important to consider here, but imagine for the moment that we have already written (or someone has provided us with) a C function called compute_PD() that performs this calculation, and that the code is stored in a file called neuron.c, with a header file neuron.h.

Here is our main program which is called go.c:

// gcc -std=c99 -o go go.c neuron.c -lm

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "neuron.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  int ncells = 100;                     // # cells to process
  char fnum[4], fname[128];              // filename strings
  double celldirs[40], cellspks[40];    // data for each cell
  double PD[ncells], plate_out[9];      // store cell PDs

  // loop to process each cell
  int i;
  for (i=1; i<=ncells; i++) {

    // construct the numeric part of the filename
    if (i<10) sprintf(fnum, "00%d", i);
    else if (i<100) sprintf(fnum, "0%d", i);
    else sprintf(fnum, "%d", i);

    // read in a dirs data file
    sprintf(fname, "data/cell_dirs_%s.txt", fnum);
    readcell(fname, celldirs, 40, 0);

    // read in a spks data file
    sprintf(fname, "data/cell_spks_%s.txt", fnum);
    readcell(fname, cellspks, 40, 0);

    // compute PD
    PD[i-1] = compute_PD(celldirs, cellspks, 40);

  // print vector of PDs to screen and write to a file
  show_double_vec(PD, ncells);
  write_double_vec(PD, ncells, "PDs.txt");

  return 0;

What we can see is that on line 6, we use an #include statement to include the neuron.h header file (shown below). This is a way of essentially telling the compiler, that these functions (in neurons.h) will be described fully later … and for now, "trust" that they are defined, and in this particular way (inputs and outputs).

On line 1 (commented out) I show the gcc command to compile this program, and you can see that we simple add neuron.c to the list of files to send to the compiler. This is where the compiler actually integrates the code in neuron.c into our program. We also need the -lm flag, to instruct the compiler to load the standard C math library (since the #include <math.h> directive appears in neuron.h).

Here is the header file neuron.h:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

void show_int_vec(int vec[], int n);

void show_double_vec(double vec[], int n);

void write_double_vec(double vec[], int n, char fname[]);

void showmat(double mat[], int nrows, int ncols);

void readcell(char fname[], double data[], int n, int msg);

void oneplate(double r1, double r2, double a1, double a2, double output[6]);

void platemethod(double a[], double r[], int n, double output[9]);

int mycomp(const void *a, const void *b);

double getangle(double x, double y);

int mycomp_struct(const void *a, const void *b);

double compute_PDr(double celldirs[], double cellspks[], int ntrials, int ndirs);

double compute_PD(double celldirs[], double cellspks[], int ntrials);

What you can see is that this is simply a listing of the functions that are defined in neuron.c, and we simply list the function prototypes, not the "meat" of the functions themselves. When we write the #include "neuron.h" statement at the top of go.c (line 6), these function prototypes are loaded in, so that the code in the main program "knows about" these functions. Note that there are some functions in here that we do not use in the go.c code above.

An important point to remember is that as long as we can look at the header file, we have all the information about what functions are defined in the source file, and how they are used (what their input arguments are and what output arguments, if any, they return). If we want to look "inside" those functions, we can look at the source file. The header file then can be thought of as an interface between the source code and the programmer.

To summarize then, in order to include external code in your C program (code that is located in a separate file), you need to make sure two things happen:

  1. The external C source code is passed to the compiler at compile time
  2. Your own C program has access to the function prototypes associated with the external code

Another example

Another small example: let's say you want to write a program that takes at the command-line one integer input, and determines whether that integer is a prime number or not. Now let's say that you don't want to write your own code for determining primality, so you ask your friend, who you know has written such a function already. She sends you a pair of files (primes.h and primes.c). Her header file (primes.h) looks like this:

int isPrime(int n); // returns 0 if n is not prime, 1 if n is prime

So we know a couple of things from this header file. It declares a function prototype for isPrime(). We can see this function takes a single integer as an input argument, and returns an integer value: 1 if the input value is a prime number, and 0 if it is not. Now we know all we need to know in order to use this function (without even looking at the function's source code, which resides in primes.c).

Here is what the primes.c file look like:

int isPrime(int n) {

  // returns 0 if not prime, 1 if prime

  if (n<2) return 0;         // first prime number is 2
  if (n==2) return 1;        // ensure 2 is identified as a prime
  if ((n % 2)==0) return 0;  // all even numbers above 2 are not prime

  int i;
  for (i=3; i*i < n; i++) {  // test divisibility up to sqrt(n)
    if ((n % i) == 0) {
      return 0;
  return 1;

Here is what our program go.c looks like:

/* go.c
   Takes one input argument from the command line, an integer,
   and returns 1 if the number is prime, and 0 if it is not.

   Compile with: gcc -o go go.c primes.c 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "primes.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc < 2) {
    printf("error: must provide a single integer value to test\n");
    return 1;
  else {
    int n = atoi(argv[1]);
    int prime = isPrime(n);
    printf("isPrime(%d) = %d\n", n, prime);
    return 0;

Here is the result of running the program on a small selection of input values:

plg@wildebeest:~/Desktop$ gcc -o go go.c primes.c
plg@wildebeest:~/Desktop$ ./go 1
isPrime(1) = 0
plg@wildebeest:~/Desktop$ ./go 2
isPrime(2) = 1
plg@wildebeest:~/Desktop$ ./go 3
isPrime(3) = 1
plg@wildebeest:~/Desktop$ ./go 63
isPrime(63) = 0
plg@wildebeest:~/Desktop$ ./go 67
isPrime(67) = 1
plg@wildebeest:~/Desktop$ ./go 12347
isPrime(12347) = 1

Search path

The compiler will look in several places for header files that you include with the #include directive, depending on how you use it. If you use include with the angled brackets (e.g. #include <stdio.h>) then the compiler will look in a series of "default" system-wide locations (see Search Path for details). If you use double-quotes (e.g. #include "neuron.h") then the compiler will look in the directory containing the current file. It's possible to add other directories to the search path by using the -Idir compiler option, where dir is the other directory. You might have to do this if you link your code to an external C library that is not part of the standard C library, and does not reside in the usual "system" default locations.

External variables

Just as we can include external code in our C programs, we can make a declaration in our C program that a variable exists and has been declared elsewhere (e.g. in some other source file). This is done using the extern keyword. See here for more details.

The GNU make utility and Makefiles

There is a UNIX tool called make that is commonly used to compile C programs that are made up of several files, and (sometimes) involve several compilation steps. There is a lot of power in the make tool, but what I want to introduce here is a simple use of it, which lets you avoid having to remember a long, complicated compile command (e.g. in line 1 of the output from the prime number program above).

The make utility uses a special plain-text file that you write that has to reside in the same directory as your program, and has to be called Makefile. You can think of a Makefile as a recipe for making your program (i.e. linking and compiling).

A simple Makefile for our prime number program above might look like this:

go: go.c primes.c
        gcc -o go go.c primes.c 

The first word and colon go: on line 1 represents the name of a recipe called go. The list of files after the colon (go.c primes.c) represent all of the things that go depends upon. On the next line, there is a TAB (not spaces) followed by a compile command. This represents the step (there could be more lines for more steps if there were any) that are required to "make" the "go" recipe. Here we simply have put our compile command.

Now all we have to do from the command-line is type make, and make will "make" the recipe for "go". (Running make with no arguments executes the first rule (recipe) in the Makefile). The make program knows that the "go" rule needs to be executed if any of the files that it depends upon, (because they follow the colon on line 1) changes.

Here is what it looks like when we run make using Makefile1.txt:

plg@wildebeest:~/Desktop/CBootCamp/code/primes$ cp Makefile1.txt Makefile
plg@wildebeest:~/Desktop/CBootCamp/code/primes$ make
gcc -o go go.c primes.c

You can see the command (line 3) that ends up being executed by make.

Introducing more generalization to the Makefile

There are a number of features of a Makefile we can utilize to make the whole idea more useful. We can introduce "macros" (like a variable) to generalize the name of the C compiler to use, the flags to pass the compiler, the location of any library files, etc etc. Here is what a more generalized Makefile might look like for our primes example from above:

CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall
DEPS = primes.h
OBJ = go.o primes.o

%.o: %.c $(DEPS)
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<

go: $(OBJ)
        gcc $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^

You can see we have moved all the specific details (filenames, compiler flags, etc) into the macros on the top, and what remains below in the rules themselves, is expressed only in terms of those macros. There's nothing wrong with using a Makefile that is simple (as in Makefile1.txt, it is a choice for you about how fancy to get. The one limitation of Makefile1.txt is that the header file primes.h doesn't appear anywhere … this means if that file changes, then make will not think it has to recompile anything (because nothing in the rule "go" depends on primes.h). In Makefile2.txt, we introduce a dependency of .o files (on line 6) on $(DEPS), which is defined above on line 3, and includes the header file primes.h.

Note that we have term in the CFLAGS macro that looks like this: -Wall. This is a flag to the compiler to turn on all Warnings. There are many warnings that the compiler will tell you about, like variables that are never used, uninitialized variables, etc. Consult the documentation for full details.

Here is what it looks like when we run make using Makefile2.txt:

plg@wildebeest:~/Desktop/CBootCamp/code/primes$ cp Makefile2.txt Makefile
plg@wildebeest:~/Desktop/CBootCamp/code/primes$ make
gcc -c -o go.o go.c
gcc -c -o primes.o primes.c
gcc -o go go.o primes.o

You can see that in this case, three commands end up being run (lines 3-5).

Now the neat thing is, if we type make again (without changing anything) we get this:

plg@wildebeest:~/Desktop/CBootCamp/code/primes$ make
make: `go' is up to date.

We are told that the "go" rule is "up to date". The make program checks to see which files have changed since the last make, and only executes the step in the rule(s) (if any) that need to be done (it figures this out based on the dependencies that you set up in the rules).

In the long run, using Makefiles is a good idea, because:

  • it's faster to recompile things (less typing, and it only recompiles based on what's changed and leaves the rest)
  • it organizes all the "steps" in a (potentially complex) compilation into one place (the Makefile), which makes it easier for other people to compile your code

See the links below for more details and more examples of how GNU make can be used to your advantage.



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